The thing women have yet to learn is nobody gives you power. You just take it.
You know you have the talent and the skills to pursue your dreams based on your passions and expertise, and it’s been on your mind for years.
But… when it comes down to starting something new, I always ask myself, Can I do this? Why? You’re stuck in analysis paralysis, wondering what you need to do first (or next) to get your dreams to become reality, to get them up and running. You’re procrastinating, waiting for the “right” time, or for the “right” offer to come to you.
You’re wondering if you really have what it takes to be your own boss. Thinking about all the things you need to do (and learn) to bring your dreams to life? It just seems nearly impossible. You see others killing it in their personal and professional life, and you feel a pang of jealousy because you know you want that, too. You drag yourself to start your day, do what you which doesn’t have your mind a 100% there so that you just get through each day, even though you know you’re meant for something more.
Your heart drops when you see another of your friends living their lives in content, doing what their heart tells them and you think, “ugh, everyone else is doing what I want to do!”
You feel this way because you dream of making a difference in the world and helping as many people as possible. I know the struggle all too well, and I’ve gotta say, there is light on the other side!
It is possible to turn your strengths and passions into reality, something I did and saw the power of ME come to life.
Step 1: Find Your SPARK
Your SPARK stands for your Strengths, Passions, Accomplishments, Resources, and Knowledge. These are the things that are unique to you – and together, they help set you apart from others.
It’s very unlikely that someone else will have exactly the same combination of traits as you. Which is great news because it’s easy to think that there are already thousands out there. The truth is: no one can do what you do the way you do it. No one can teach what you teach the way you teach it. Your SPARK is what allows you to have a unique voice, and it’s what attracts your dreams to you.
People will be attracted to you because they like what you stand for, they like your personality, they resonate with you. In many cases, you’ll attract those who come to you because they see themselves in you.
This is why it’s so important to BE YOURSELF. It’s easy to go out and replicate what others are doing, especially if what they’re doing seems to be working for them. But you don’t have access to all the behind-the-scenes details, so you really don’t know for sure if what they’re doing will work for you. Or even if it’s truly working for them. Your SPARK allows you to focus on what will work for you – because you know your strengths, you know how you want to spend your time, and you know the kind of people you want around you.
Now that you know what your SPARK is, let’s look at the 2 silent heroes, Strength and Passion:
Step 2: Your Strengths
Your strengths are what strengthens you, what gives you energy, what you could do for hours without taking a break. In fact, when you’re engaged in your strengths, it hardly feels like work at all!
Many of us take our strengths for granted because we don’t see anything special about our strengths. We think everyone can do what we can do just as well – which is not the case.
Your strengths start with your talent – a natural way of thinking, feeling, and behaving. This is something inherent, something you’re born with. You can create strength by investing time in practicing and developing your talents.
Think about it – when you get to use your strengths every day, you’re more likely to feel motivated to work, you enjoy it more, and you get great satisfaction from it. It feels meaningful to you.
Instead, by understanding your strengths, you can focus on the tasks and activities that bring you energy, and by doing so, you will be more productive, more motivated, and more fulfilled.
Your Passions
Passion is a strong feeling of enthusiasm or excitement for something or excitement about doing something. In other words, something you love or something you love to do. Let’s say you’re passionate about helping others become financially literate. You’re also passionate about saving and budgeting, decorating cakes, watching reality TV shows, and sustainability. Some passions are meant to stay hobbies, while others are there to lead you to your purpose. So instead of trying to create something that involves all of your different passions, focus on one main area, and infuse some of your passions to add a little personality.
Clarify Your Purpose
A life purpose is like a compass, guiding you over life’s path. Keeping you centered, focused, and clear on what really matters to you and what you want from life.
The truth is – you already know what your life purpose is. The answers are all within you. You just have to know how to pull them out, and how to trust them. When you know your purpose, you can use that to create a reason that aligns with who you are.
The people of Okinawa, Japan, are the longest-living on the planet, and when researchers studied what made them live so long, many people stated – every morning, they had a reason to wake up. They had a purpose to fulfill. They had a difference to make.
Finding and realizing your purpose will not happen overnight. By working toward your purpose over time, you can continue to grow and develop. And because your purpose is your choice, you can feel a sense of autonomy over the journey it takes to get there.
Step 3: Create Your Path
It’s important to consider what the path ahead looks like for YOU. And it will look different for everyone, depending on what you determined based on your Strengths and Passions.
The Takeaway
Take action now: Start by taking a strengths assessment to understand your strengths. Then, determine your passions and purpose. Finally, brainstorm models that work for you, like they say “When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful.”
About the Author
Preeti Binoy has been passionately advocating equal opportunities for women. She is a communication and media specialist and an ardent advocate of EQUAL LIFE.
Dear Maam
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Parveen Singh